Ben Loves His Family

The years had been good to Ben.  He couldn’t sit still and do nothing, so over the decades he put together a business venture here and there, sometimes using his cash, sometimes using policy loans from his whole life insurance policies.  Ever since his accident he had really depended on the Lord for wisdom and […]

Your Wealth Gate

“Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:9) The word “gate” is used 341 times in the NIV Bible.  The gate symbolizes the place where you leave one place and enter another.  In the scripture above, the Lord commanded that His people write His Laws on their gates […]

How Does God Want to Prosper us Individually?

When God created Man, He created them in His Image and His Likeness.  But this was designed to be a process, just as when you have a baby, he or she is born of you, with your image, and as he/she grows he takes on more and more of your likeness, but is not fully […]

Eternal Riches

Just as Jesus taught spiritual principles using the example of being responsible to multiply our wealth, He also taught us to watch out for spiritual traps  – again using money as an example.   In both cases, these principles apply to money and to other areas of life as well. In the story we related Friday, […]

Prosperity is a Double-Edged Sword

Yesterday we discussed the fact that being rich or poor wasn’t as an issue in whom Jesus taught – that what matters to Him is the heart of the particular person. Let’s look at His interesting encounter with the rich, young ruler in Mark. 17As He was setting out on a journey, a man ran […]

Jesus’ Teaching About Prosperity

We will start with Jesus’ own teachings, then look more closely at the teachings of the Apostles and draw some conclusions concerning prosperity in the Kingdom of God and in the world. We will not study this topic exhaustively, but will try to get at the essence. In Jesus’  time on earth, He never evaded […]

Stagnating or Flowing?

In yesterday’s post, I compared the Sea of Galilee, which flows and empties, to stewarding through cash flow.  Then I compared the Dead Sea, which has no outlet, and is thus so saline that it doesn’t support life, to the hoarding of wealth. This natural picture occurs similarly in the spiritual with our finances.  Our […]

Accumulation vs Cash Flow

As we’ve repeatedly stated, here, here, and here for example,  cash flow is a much better indicator of true wealth than net worth. Net worth is a static number that doesn’t impact your life.  As a matter of fact, the more wealth that you have accumulated, the more unlikely you are to want to dig […]

The Utility of Liabilities

We talked yesterday about the fact that financial assets and liabilities are simply tools.  And that its a misinterpretation of scripture to think that borrowing is evil. On the other hand, if you do not repay your debts at the terms that you agreed to, you break the teaching that Paul’s teaching below, and enter […]

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