Life of Spiritual Man

Now, we can grasp most of the elements of the life of the Spiritual man. The seed is the Life of Christ, offered as the Gift from God, the Father.  The seed is sown in our natural life, and nurtured and educated by the Holy Spirit.  But we are not fully released into the spiritual […]

On Prosperity

Does God want you to enjoy so much Prosperity that you need a private jet to travel to each of your luxurious mansions?  Are prosperity teachers Happy Fun-Fun Loons who don’t understand the Suffering that is called for in those devoted to the Cross?  Or is the truth somewhere in the middle? For the next […]

It’s about the Heart: Pt 2 (Mt 15:1-28)

Matthew 15:1-28 Yesterday we began discussing Jesus’ concern for our hearts as seen in His three discussions in this chapter, and looked at the first of those.  Today, let’s look at the second two. 2.       Matt. 15:12-20 By focusing on Peter, if we can put ourselves in his shoes, perhaps we can see how slow […]

The Parable of the Sower (Matt. 13:1-23)

After Jesus was challenged in Ch 12, Pt 1 and Pt 2, He began teaching in parables. The seed sown in good soil Today we’ll cover the Parable of the Sower and what it takes to receive the blessings of God. There is one more interesting thing to note first from the context of chapter […]

What Does it Mean to Know the Truth?

The Western world worships the intellect.  We prize rational thought.  We believe that we can come to know and understand anything through logic and observation.  This is directly the opposite of what Biblical writers meant when they spoke of “knowing” something.  To know something in the Hebrew culture meant to become that thing – to […]

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