Fiscal Cliff Update

I’m sure you’ve all heard a basic summary of the Fiscal Cliff negotiations.  Many Bush era tax cuts that were always provisional were made permanent.  At the same time, everyone will see an increase in taxes.  Those with higher incomes will see the biggest hit to their incomes.  We introduced this Fiscal Cliff topic here. […]

Government Action Shaping Economic Events

Government action leads to decreased economic wellness for the poorest & benefits to the elite. Today, Governments are intervening in historically massive ways.  Today’s economic update video discusses what’s new in this important sphere. The first video in this latest iteration of a continuing series of economic updates can be found here. In this video […]

Government Horror Economic Update Video

The government has been slowly taking away the rights of the people one at a time.  They have set things up for a drastic change to come.  This economic update is intended to quickly catch you up on the most important changes in the governments both here and abroad.  It is part five of a […]

Tax Increases & New Taxes

Tax increases and new taxes kill economic growth.  We’ve been talking about economic indicators which point towards a depression.  Strangely, this is a debated topic, but it is quite easy to prove economically.  The history of the world is also replete with examples of high taxes stifling economic growth and low taxes leading to amazing […]

Government Folly & World Events: Economic Update

Government folly and world events are discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series. The US Government and those of the other “leading” nations are driving  economies into the ground.  Meanwhile, the stage is set for very difficult times on the earth.  This video explains some of the reason why. This […]

US Economic Outlook: Economic Update

A US economic update discussed in today’s video as we continue our economic update discussion.  We’ll focus on the US Economic & stock market crash outlook featuring unemployment & foreclosure information & economic indicators pointing towards stock market crash soon. This economic update is part of a series which follows The Coming Storm that we […]

More That Could Trigger the Storm

The past two days, we looked at a variety of factors which could  derail our economy and destroy the value of the dollar, along with all of your wealth.  Today we’ll look at a few more bombs set to go off in the near future. 1)    Tax Increases. President Bush and the Congress of that […]

Becoming Your Own Banker Videos

We’ve just finished a huge series on how to use Whole Life Insurance policies to provide a foundation for wealth building.  One of the key benefits that we discussed was the way that you can apply banking principles to your own life and keep the massive profits that you are currently giving to an outside […]

When Would You Like to Start Paying Taxes?

Let’s talk about real life for a minute.  Financial discussions can often devolve into philosophical numerical debates that really have no place in reality.  Do you want a good theory of how to have more money in your old age, or do you want to have more money in your old age? Let’s ask the […]

How Will Tax Changes Affect Your 401k or IRA?

“A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.” (Proverbs 22:3) Do you believe taxes will go either up or down in the future?  We ask this of all our clients, and almost every single one of them believes they will increase.  When you look at the […]

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