Tax Increases & New Taxes

Tax increases and new taxes kill economic growth.  We’ve been talking about economic indicators which point towards a depression.  Strangely, this is a debated topic, but it is quite easy to prove economically.  The history of the world is also replete with examples of high taxes stifling economic growth and low taxes leading to amazing […]

Policy Loans

It’s important to remember that a policy loan is a loan from the mutual insurance company from which you get your whole life policy, and not a loan from yourself (as a 401k loan typically is).  If you don’t understand this, the following won’t make much sense.  We feel like, in most cases, policy loans […]

Accessing Money from a Whole Life Policy

Lately, a few people have asked how policy loans work when you have a whole life policy. We’ll address this in the next couple of posts. There are two typical ways to access cash from your in-force whole life policy when you are still young.  There are other ways to get creative, and options that […]

The Real Tax Truth within 401k’s and IRA’s

15Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words. 16They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. “Teacher,” they said, “we know you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren’t swayed by men, because you […]

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