Oil Prices to Explode Higher

Oil prices have seen increased volatility along with most everything lately.  We just finished discussing silver in our series on economic forecasts.  Today we look at the main reasons we think oil prices will be higher to end 2012.  We’ll also cover the reasons we think oil prices have much higher to climb in the […]

War with Iran

The US is at war with Iran.  We’ve been making predictions for 2012 and beyond and will go about a somewhat random order depending on what seems the most relevant.  We recently saw some comments that make the Iran topic seem like the next one to bring to your attention. The war with Iran has […]

The US Economy Teetering

The US economy is suffering one bit of bad news after another.  Today we look at one bright side of the markets as well as plenty of items for concern.  This video explains what’s going on and where the economy will go next.  We’re continuing a  series of videos which can be found here. Today, […]

Stock Market & Economic Update

The stock market is in a bull run.  Will it last?  This economic update is intended to quickly catch you up on the most important factors of the last month which affect the stock market and is part three of a six part series of Economic Update Videos.  Some of the factors we discuss here […]

Are Commodities an Excellent Investment?

Commodities are a key consideration for any portfolio.  We’ve been discussing asset management in a crazy economy and Friday looked at investing in food. Thought we had already discussed commodities in recent posts?  Well, that’s true.  However, metals such as gold & silver also function as money.  Energy, such as oil, natural gas, and coal, […]

Canadian Oil Sands, Disasters & War

Are the Canadian Oil Sands the best investment opportunity of our lifetime?  When you consider the possibility of wars in the Middle East and government intervention across the globe (as well as disasters like the BP oil spill), they just might be!  We’ve been discussing asset management in a crazy economy.  In the last 3 […]

A Biblical Oil Idea?

Does the Bible speak of oil being found in Israel?  Should you invest towards that end?  I have no idea, but twice in the last week someone has suggested this idea to me, so I thought I would pass it along to you since we are on the subject of oil. Here is a link […]

Oil Investing Today

Oil is the most contested resource in the world.  World production has not been growing at nearly the rate that world consumption has been.  We’ve been discussing aspects of energy investing. As we’ve stated previously, the world is consuming more and more oil all the time while new supplies are not able to keep up.  […]

Oil: The Commodity Advantage

Oil, like most any form of energy that we will be looking at, is a commodity product.  There might be two benefits in this for you.  We’ve started discussing energy recently.  Today, we look at the commodity advantages of oil.

Oil, Gas, & Clean Energy Investing

Oil, gas, and clean energy are some of the many ways we power our modern lives.  We’ve been discussing asset management in a crazy economy.  Today, we’ll being to look at oil, gas, clean energy, and other forms which you can invest in. Energy is a basic key to life in the modern world and […]

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