Does Your Investment Depend upon the Current Market Conditions?

Is the market which you are looking at investing into on a roll?  Are you betting on this continuing?  Might that be your undoing?  Today, we’ll continue looking at methods of due diligence. It is human nature to see big gains being made in a market and feel left out of all the money making.  […]

Do You Have Control over the Return for your Investment?

Which of the characteristics which will generate the return on your investment do you control?  Is the investment active or passive?  What happens is the investment spins out of control?  Do you have any ability to right the ship?  Or could the investment destroy the capital you’ve invested while you sit helplessly by watching it […]

Does Your Investment Offer Immediate Cash Flow?

How do you know if an investment is profitable?  The quickest and surest way to know is if it pays you.  Preferably often and amply!  We’re going to break away from our discussion of bonds to examine why…Cash flow is the truest measure of the success of an investment.  Sometimes the best speculations might demand […]

How Secure is Your Investment Exit Strategy?

Most investors never fully think through the exit strategy for an investment.  They get so carried away thinking about how well they will do with an investment that they don’t take the time to carefully think about how they will ensure the final profitable resolution of the deal.  We’ll take a break from our discussion […]

Can Your Investment Be Recovered if it Crashes?

Investments don’t always go the way we hope they will.  You will learn to make much wiser choices if you always think from the beginning in what ways you might recover principal if the investment starts to decline.  The cartoon we showed last week should make the need for this clear. The alternative is to […]

Does Your Investment Utilize your Human Life Value?

Who you are is your biggest advantage as an investor.  Your experience, the things you know, and the abilities that you have give you a unique edge that no other person can touch.  These attributes along with others make up your Human Life Value.  To ignore this, your greatest asset, when it comes time to […]

What do your investments say about you?

Do your Investments Line up with your Values? (We’re going to begin interspersing posts on how to invest with the posts on asset management in a crazy economy that we’ve been running recently.)  In recent decades, Americans have been more and more consumed with the idea of getting rich quick whatever the scheme may be.  […]

Oil: The Commodity Advantage

Oil, like most any form of energy that we will be looking at, is a commodity product.  There might be two benefits in this for you.  We’ve started discussing energy recently.  Today, we look at the commodity advantages of oil.

Financial Advisor: Wes Bridel

We’re looking at changing the Financial Advisor: About Wes Bridel page and several others of the site.  When we first put up the site, I hired people to help me and they basically wrote what they wanted to.  This is my attempt to quickly tell my story (in 3rd person!) in a more relevant way.  […]

Do You Know the People Involved in Generating the Investment Returns?

We’ve been discussing investment due diligence questions.  People are almost always what are most important in any investment.  Who is in charge of generating the returns?  Do you know them?  What reason do you have for believing they will be a success? Whether it’s a small venture or a large public corporation, the people who […]

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