The Coming Storm

In previous posts, we’ve touched on some of the economic issues facing this country, but it’s time to be more pointed.  Today we’re going to share a serious message, and give you the details of an upcoming seminar where you can find out more. I believe that a massive economic storm is coming and that […]

Kingdom Calling vs. Financial Advisors: Hoarding Hurts

Financial advisors encourage you to be miserly and have the smallest possible impact on the world. This is the same financial advice given in most churches, either because that advice is coming from lay people or from church members who are practicing “traditional financial planning.” And for a lot of folks it’s not horrible advice, […]

Kingdom Calling vs. Financial Advisors: Trying to Predict the Future

Kingdom Calling cannot and does not try to predict the future. If you’re working with a financial advisor that does, it’s probably time for you to question your direction. Instead, Kingdom Calling tries to plan for every contingency while focusing on maximizing the efficiency of your plan. By doing so, we are able, in most […]

Why Banks Steward Cash The Way Jesus Would

The mythical “American Dream”:  work hard for 40 years and then one day at 65, retire with a golden nest egg that will take care of you the remainder of your days.   There are several problems with this fantasy.  For one, most of us base our plans on predictions of the future which aren’t accurate.  […]

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