Economic Outlook & Stock Market Indicators Video – Pt 2

This economic outlook video looks into factors affecting the world & US economy as well as the stock market.  You can find part one here.  In this economic update, we look at factors such as investor & economist outlook, US exposure to the problems in Europe, employment, world food prices, strange animal deaths, the situation […]

Economy, Banks, & Real Estate: Economic Update

The economy, banks, & real estate are discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series. This video shows that problems at banks and in the real estate market point to difficult times ahead for the economy. This video doesn’t just talk about banks and real estate, but many other areas of […]

Real Estate Outlook

Real estate is the largest component of our economy.  This is why the government puts so much effort into trying to manipulate its direction.  We’ve been talking about the problems in banking. Now, we’ll turn our focus to real estate.  It is also in a difficult and dangerous position.  Both Residential and Commercial Real Estate […]

Market Crash (Old News): Economic Update

The likelihood that a huge Market crash has begun is discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series.   This economic update video explains some of the leading economic indicators of a market crash. This economic update is part of a series which follows The Coming Storm that we filmed in […]

US Economic Outlook: Economic Update

A US economic update discussed in today’s video as we continue our economic update discussion.  We’ll focus on the US Economic & stock market crash outlook featuring unemployment & foreclosure information & economic indicators pointing towards stock market crash soon. This economic update is part of a series which follows The Coming Storm that we […]

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