The Model Portfolio of Simplicity & Elegance

The Model Portfolio that you choose should not be one based upon a Wall Street generated cookie cutter, but instead should be based on the key themes that you want to protect against and take advantage of in these crazy economic times. We began with the deflation protection portfolio that Jack & Betsy put together.  […]

International Investing for Safety & Security?

International investing is foreign to most Americans.  We’ve been discussing asset management in a crazy economy.  In the last post we looked at commodities as an investment.  As we said, most US investors only invest in US Markets.  The advantage to this is that they inherently know US markets and companies better.  The disadvantage is […]

Market Crash (Old News): Economic Update

The likelihood that a huge Market crash has begun is discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series.   This economic update video explains some of the leading economic indicators of a market crash. This economic update is part of a series which follows The Coming Storm that we filmed in […]

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