Deflationary Crash

Even with the trillions of dollars pumped into the system over the last few years, the economy is in the midst of a massive deflationary crash.  Central Bankers of the world are trying to unite to ensure that it doesn’t happen (and that we instead end up with massive inflation), but a deflationary crash is […]

Full Scale Currency War

Nobody wins a currency war…but politicians love to try.  The idea goes like this…. “If we can cheapen the value of our currency, then we’ll be able to export more goods and it will get our economy going.  And then I’ll get re-elected and everyone will love me!”  (see the beginning of this series here.) […]

What in the World is Going On?

The world economy is seeing unprecedented economic malaise, destruction, & capitulation everywhere. The impacts in the US will be debilitating.  This Economic Update Video looks at what’s happened recently so you can be prepared for what’s next.  We’re continuing a  series of videos which can be found here. Today, we’ll look at factors such as:  […]

Hyperinflation, Deflation & the Currency War Pt.2

The Currency War has begun.  Hyperinflation is looking more likely. Will is strike the US?  Deflation is grinding our economy down as we speak.  Will a more severe version be our fate?  Today’s video is Part 2 of the Update on hyperinflation, deflation, & currency wars.  Most of the world has undertaken policies to debase […]

Hyperinflation, Deflation & the Currency War

Hyperinflation is a horrible disaster. Will is strike the US?  Deflation is a grinding economy killer.  Will this be our fate?  Today’s video is an Update on hyperinflation, deflation, & currency wars.  Most of the world has undertaken policies to debase their own currencies at the expense of their own poor and middle class for […]

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