A Spiritual Perspective on the Storm

Yesterday we spoke about the coming calamity for the US (and by extension the world) and why God is allowing it. This is a spiritual perspective. To get a financial perspective, read the Coming Storm or for more information, sign up for the newsletter. Nebuchadnezzar’s first dream sheds even more light on these times for […]

The Church of Christ and Its Priests

The fact that the Son of God and his Bride are set apart is implied when Jesus designated His believers as the Church. Matt 16:18-19 [NIV] 18And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. 19I will give […]

Where to tithe?

One final word: you should pray diligently to God for where your tithe should go. I personally believe that for most everyone it should go to those who are responsible for your growth in the Kingdom. Those pouring into your life spiritually must be supported financially. For most people, that is your local church. They […]

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