Silver & Gold Market Update Video

Gold & Silver have always been real money and are beginning to retake this position within our markets as the US Dollar’s value is destroyed.   We’re continuing a  series of videos which began here.  In this silver and gold update video, we  investigate critical facts which could affect the value of silver as well […]

Asset Allocation for Beginners

What is the best asset allocation for you?  After ripping apart bonds, perhaps we should look at the big picture.  Solomon planted the seeds for this important topic 3000 years ago…. “Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether […]

Foreign Bonds & Emerging Market Bonds

Foreign Bonds or Emerging Market Bonds, which is better? The United States is obviously not the only country which issues bonds.  You can buy foreign bonds issued by other industrial power governments as well as foreign corporations.  As mentioned previously, you have currency risk when you go outside the US Dollar with your investments, but […]

Is the Fed Printing Money?

Printing money? We’ve been telling you for a year that it could destroy our way of life and that our Government, Wall Street, & particularly The Fed are trying to get us there as quickly as possible. A week ago, Jon Stewart of Comedy Central pointed out one of the many lies and incompetencies of […]

Does Your Investment Offer Immediate Cash Flow?

How do you know if an investment is profitable?  The quickest and surest way to know is if it pays you.  Preferably often and amply!  We’re going to break away from our discussion of bonds to examine why…Cash flow is the truest measure of the success of an investment.  Sometimes the best speculations might demand […]

How Secure is Your Investment Exit Strategy?

Most investors never fully think through the exit strategy for an investment.  They get so carried away thinking about how well they will do with an investment that they don’t take the time to carefully think about how they will ensure the final profitable resolution of the deal.  We’ll take a break from our discussion […]

What Kinds of Arbitrage Does Your Business Utilize?

Every great business utilizes arbitrage and leverage.  They do it in many different ways, but to have a big impact on the world, these forces must be involved.  The classic example is borrowing money at a low cost in order to put it to work at a higher cost.  This is in itself is the […]

Bank Crises Economic Update Video

A bank crises is brewing that could end up being worse than the 2008 banking crises.  This economic update is intended to quickly catch you up on what is happening in the banking sector that most people are ignoring to their peril.  It is part six of a six part series of Economic Update Videos. […]

Gold & Silver Economic Update Video

Gold & Silver are enjoying a decade long bull run.  Recently, they’ve hit monstrous new highs.  Will it last?  This economic update is intended to quickly catch you up on the most important factors of the last month which affect the gold and silver markets and is part fourof a six part series of Economic […]

How Many People Does Your Investment Deliver Value to?

The more people you touch with your investment dollars, the better!  The capital that the Lord has given you to steward has an effect in the world.  We spoke Friday about speculating in Financial Companies, but deeper questions that you might ask yourself when looking at any opportunity are… Who will your capital affect?  How […]

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