Full Scale Currency War

Nobody wins a currency war…but politicians love to try.  The idea goes like this…. “If we can cheapen the value of our currency, then we’ll be able to export more goods and it will get our economy going.  And then I’ll get re-elected and everyone will love me!”  (see the beginning of this series here.) […]

US Dollar Will Lose Value in 2012

We predicted the US Dollar would lose value in real terms in 2012 to start this series, and this is already showing itself to be true.  Inflation is running higher and higher so that even the government numbers show inflation far above what a person can earn on risk free cash. The reality is much […]

Why You Should Own Silver Now Even If The Price Might Drop Later

Friday we left off talking about Silver and ended the piece discussing the ongoing bullion bank price suppression scheme.  We’ve often commented on the issue because new proof comes up all the time and it’s hard not to comment on a blatant in justice being done against everyday Americans.  It’s gotten to the point that […]

Commodities to End 2012 Lower

Will Commodities end 2012 higher or lower than they started it?  It’s a difficult questions because the forces of inflation & deflation are raging and it’s tricky to say which one will be on top at the end of December.  We’re in the middle of a series of predictions on what will happen in the […]

The European Implosion

Europe’s Nightmare comes to a head this year.  We’ve been discussing forecasts for the year 2012 and beyond and today we’ll cover the European Sovereign Debt Crises.  We’re writing this on a Friday to post on Monday.  If we had put this up yesterday, you might have said, “What are you talking about, they fixed […]

Stock Markets Will See Continued Volatility in 2012

Did you know that the US stock markets ended slightly up last year?  It probably didn’t feel that way to you though.  And we don’t mean to say that they were up a lot…they were simply barely up.  But the way they ended gives a totally different picture of the ride to get there.  We’re […]

The Coming US Dollar Devaluation

US Dollar Devaluation is at our doorstep.  We’re in a series of posts expanding on the predictions we’ve recently made for the US Economy in the coming year and beyond. One of our predictions was that holding USD cash would be a losing proposition in 2012 in real terms.  On Friday, we shared with you […]

Is Ben Bernanke Planning to Devalue the US Dollar by 40%?

There seems to be clear evidence that this is Ben Bernanke’s fall back plan if his deflation fears gets strong enough.  And oh by the way, his remarks last week implied his fears are quite high.  He said that growth is still extremely sluggish and that there are no inflation fears (we don’t know where […]

Exposition on “The Shepherd of the North”

On Monday, we shared an ancient parable out of China that probably pre-dates the Kingdom of God’s advancement into that land (as goes on in amazing ways today).  But it’s an amazing parable that has often come to mind when sharing with others that teaches an important lesson. Today, we’ll share a few thoughts on […]

The Shepherd of the North

There was an old & wise shepherd who lived in the north of China. One day, the best of his few horses ran away. His neighbors came by and tried to console him. He replied, “Who knows this might be a blessing?” About a month later, his horse came back with a flock of wilder […]

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