Warnings Abound in Economic Circles

Economic Warnings are everywhere if you follow the financial blogoshere.  Over the last few months, we’ve seen story after story of “insiders” who have decided to share startling information because they feel for the people who are about to be clobbered.  We don’t usually share alot of that sort of thing.  It’s all entirely inline […]

European Crises Update

Europe, or more specifically its common currency, is founded on an idea more fairy tale than sound economics.  This tale is coming quickly to its not so happy ending.  This Economic Update Video looks at what’s happened recently and prepares you for what’s next.  We’re continuing a  series of videos which can be found here. […]

Europe Crises Explained

The crises in Europe is intensifying.  The problems there will reverberate in the US.  This video explains what’s going on and where it will go next.  We’re continuing a  series of videos which can be found here. Today, we’ll look at factors such as:  1)  Many influential Europeans believe Greece sh0uld leave the Euro although […]

Economy, Banks, & Real Estate: Economic Update

The economy, banks, & real estate are discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series. This video shows that problems at banks and in the real estate market point to difficult times ahead for the economy. This video doesn’t just talk about banks and real estate, but many other areas of […]

Inflation, the United States Dollar, Gold, & the World Economy: Economic Update

Inflation, the United States Dollar, gold, & the world economy is discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series. We’ll examine the world economy and show indicators of inflation and how that can impact the United States Dollar & gold. This is part of a series which follows The Coming Storm […]

Hyperinflation Signs: Economic Update

Hyperinflation signs discussed in today’s video as we continue our economic update discussion.  We’ll focus on signs from the last two weeks that hyperinflation is near.  Are you ready? This economic update is part of a series which follows The Coming Storm that we put out in November which describes in detail how and why […]

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