Will Hyperinflation Follow Inflation, or Will Deflation Win Out?

Hyperinflation is the dramatic loss of value of a currency due to the severe inflation of that currency.  There’s no question that we have seen massive inflation as correctly defined (the increase in the quantity of currency), but we are now seeing many signs of dramatic price inflation while seeing deflation in areas such as […]

Europe: Debt Crises Intensifies

Europe, or more specifically its common currency, is founded on an idea more fairy tale than sound economics.  This tale is coming quickly to its not so happy ending.  This Economic Update Video looks at what’s happened recently and prepares you for what’s next.  We’re continuing a  series of videos which can be found here. […]

The Euro Crises

We’ve spoken much about the Euro Crises here and thought it time for a quick update.  I’m writing this on Thursday the 21st and as of today, everyone in Europe is breathing a big sigh of relief because the crises has been averted.  The Northern European “Haves” have agreed to once again bail out the […]

Bank Crises Economic Update Video

A bank crises is brewing that could end up being worse than the 2008 banking crises.  This economic update is intended to quickly catch you up on what is happening in the banking sector that most people are ignoring to their peril.  It is part six of a six part series of Economic Update Videos. […]

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