Will the European Debt Crises Change Your Life?

The European Debt Crises is heating up because you can’t solve the problem of “Too Much Debt” by adding on more debt!  This situation could finally be on the verge of collapse, or it could drag out a little longer.  The end result will be the same.  In this video, we look at what’s going […]

Hyperinflation, Deflation & the Currency War Pt.2

The Currency War has begun.  Hyperinflation is looking more likely. Will is strike the US?  Deflation is grinding our economy down as we speak.  Will a more severe version be our fate?  Today’s video is Part 2 of the Update on hyperinflation, deflation, & currency wars.  Most of the world has undertaken policies to debase […]

Hyperinflation, Deflation & the Currency War

Hyperinflation is a horrible disaster. Will is strike the US?  Deflation is a grinding economy killer.  Will this be our fate?  Today’s video is an Update on hyperinflation, deflation, & currency wars.  Most of the world has undertaken policies to debase their own currencies at the expense of their own poor and middle class for […]

Inflation, the United States Dollar, Gold, & the World Economy: Economic Update

Inflation, the United States Dollar, gold, & the world economy is discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series. We’ll examine the world economy and show indicators of inflation and how that can impact the United States Dollar & gold. This is part of a series which follows The Coming Storm […]

Signs of Depression: States & Municipalities Defaulting

We’ve been discussing different signs that our economy is headed into a depression.   Today, we’ll look at the condition  of our states and cities.  Most of the United States are flat broke today!  And many of the cities are as well.  They have allowed themselves to be bloated and now face massive problems.  Deficits are […]

Gold, Silver, & the US Dollar Symposium

Gold, Silver, & the US Dollar: Free Symposium Tonight on How To Prepare in this Crazy Economy Click Here to watch a 2 Minute Video on “How to Build Your Financial House on Rock”  held tonight at 7:30pm in downtown Austin, TX. We’ll be discussing the huge problems facing the US Dollar as well as […]

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