January 2012 Newsletter Reprint

We’re reprinting the January Kingdom Calling Newsletter today so that it’s easier to link back to in the future.  If you’re not receiving the Monthly Kingdom Calling Newsletter, sign up to the right above the RED “Get Video Now” Button. Year in Review Today, we’ll review our predictions from a year ago.  But first, I […]

Spend Thanksgiving with Your Father!

Once upon a time, I came home from work just in time to see my 15 month old son right before his mother put him to bed.  I was, of course, excited to see him for a few minutes before he was locked away from me in his room for the next 12 hours.  His […]

Joe Paterno, A Symbol of America? The Church System?

Joe Paterno is all over the news, and I had a quick thought I wanted to share.  Forgive me that it’s not well developed as it’s not particularly important, but I find it interesting that some very symbolic characters have been going down over these last couple years.  I threw a blurb on facebook when […]

The Flood Dream – Pt 2

This month’s newsletter focused on the spiritual preparation the Lord is calling each of us too instead of the economic storm that we’ve been typically focusing on.  Since we haven’t had any spiritual posts in a while for you the blog reader, we thought we would share it here in two parts.  To sign up […]

Sharing a Dream of the Flood

This month’s newsletter focused on the spiritual preparation the Lord is calling each of us too instead of the economic storm that we’ve been typically focusing on.  Since we haven’t had any spiritual posts in a while for you the blog reader, we thought we would share it here in two parts.  To sign up […]

Should You Own Gold? A Rebuttal

We’re finishing up a series on gold and silver which began here.  Earlier posts in this series contained a letter or statement which I put together for an association of which I’m on the board to explain the rationale behind holding a portion of savings in gold and silver.  After putting this together, a member […]

A Quick Note

I thought I should write a quick note to explain the quietness of the blog lately.  My computer died and it took me a full week to get a new one up and running with everything the old computer had on it.  That of course put me severely behind and I’ve been in catch up […]

The Coming Storm is Here

The following is a reprint of the August 2011 Kingdom Calling Newsletter which was sent to subscribers on Wednesday, August 3rd.  It’s interesting to notice that we saw multiple massive stock market crashes which started the day after this newsletter warning went out (down 10% so far)…oh and by the way, S&P downgraded the United […]

Gold & Silver Updates & Commentary

Gold & Silver have been on a tear over the last month, year, or decade…whatever time frame you want to focus on.  I came across several extremely interesting commentaries, factoids, and charts and thought I would pass them along to you here.  You also might want to check out the two most recent videos we […]

The Debt Ceiling

I thought I would weigh in with a quick thought and a couple links to some interesting perspectives on the US Debt Ceiling debate.  Fist of all, the politicians have framed this in a completely disingenuous manner. If the debt ceiling is not raised, the US does not have to default on its debt.  The […]

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